In spite of the 'Credit Crunch' Terry Wogan broke all records and raised neary £21 million with his Children in Need TV marathon which ended early this morning. With other money raised by thousands or people across the UK, the total should reach nearly £40 million, which is amazing when so many families are struggling to cope with rising costs, unemployment and job uncertainty.
This has cheered me up after a depressing week reading the horrific details of the extreme cruelty meted out by a mother and her boyfriend to a tragic little toddler Baby P, and the stabbing of 2 small boys by their mother, who lived alone.
Today I attended a Conference Hope 4 Marriage in Bedford organised by the Bedford Community Family Trust who aim to build strong relationships for a better community and prevent relationship breakdown by supporting couples and families.
In recent years it has been fashionable to criticise the institution of marriage but research shows that married couples are far more likely to stay together than unmarried couples. Unmarried parents are 4-5 times more likely to break up. By a child's 5th birthday, 8% of UK married parents have split up compared to 52% of cohabitees, and 25% of those who marry after the birth (Kiernan 1999) Also 92% of 15 year olds want to settle down and marry one day (Sex Under Sixteen, Family Education Trust Research Report 2000).
Having been married and divorced after my husband's desertion when my children were still young I know only too well how hard it is to bring up young children alone. It costs the State a fortune to support lone parents and we must provide more financial support to help families stay together and provide a stable environment in which children can thrive, be happy and develop their full potential.
Children In Need is just a platform for egotistical , c-list celebrities to get the face on the TV. I am surprised that a lady of your integrity can offer your support to something so shallow as celebrity culture, masquerading as 'charity work.'
Why do we need to see these do gooders - with their huge salaries - telling us how wonderful they are?
I personally boycotted the BBC on Friday night and was out helping with my local Church's soup run in the town centre. It's getting the job that is important, not parading on national TV!
Come on Lynne, as a lady of integrity and strong convictions, I would have hoped that we are all entitled to expect so much better of you. It appears on this issue at any rate, I have misjudged your character.
Helen I think you are a little harsh both on me and Terry Wogan, who has used these 'celebrities' to raise millions for children's charity on TV. At least Terry is a gentleman who has never used foul language on TV, unlike the appalling Jonathan Ross.
Did you do any fundraising yourself, if so how much did you raise?
As you earn a substantial salary as an MP, will you be making a personal donation to Children in need?
Dear Anonymous
My name is Lynne, not Lynda. I am NOT an MP but a local Councillor and do not receive any salary, but just an allowance for expenses.
Yes I made a personal donation to Children in Need and I supported local fundraising events. Did you?
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