Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Our orange lidded recycling wheelie bins have at last arrived in Elstow! The first bins were delivered to Bedford homes in early November but as ever the 40 villages had to wait their turn. All bins should have been delivered by the end of the year.

Bedfordshire County Council offered £1m to Bedford Borough Council in 2007 to pay for the new recycling bins. The Borough accepted this offer early this year but there was a 6 month wait for the new bins due to a huge bin order from Germany - the German people are very enthusiastic about recycling, as I discovered when I stayed with my German friend Irmgard in Bamberg in October 2007.

The Labour Government is now forcing local councils to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill dumps by imposing huge Landfill Taxes (called LATS). If Council Taxpayers do not want to pay much higher taxes in future, we must all recyle, reuse and reduce our waste in future.

There are two sizes of orange-lidded recycling bins, but some people
do not have enough space for these bins and have opted to retain the
orange recycling sacks. If you have not yet decided whether to have an orange lidded bin, I urge you to consider ordering one by calling Tel. 0900 121 888.

In Bedfordshire we have successfuly increased our recycling rate from 24% to 40% in two years, and we are now aiming to increase recycling rate to 50%.

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